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xpert: Casey Searched Neck-Breaking, Death On Web - WFTV

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xpert: Casey Searched Neck-Breaking, Death On Web - WFTV Empty xpert: Casey Searched Neck-Breaking, Death On Web - WFTV

Post by mom_in_il Thu Jun 09, 2011 3:44 am

Expert: Casey Searched Neck-Breaking, Death On Web
Posted: 6:24 am EDT June 8, 2011
Updated: 7:20 pm EDT June 8, 2011


ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Head injuries, neck-breaking, internal bleeding, death, and chloroform were some of the topics that computer experts said, on Wednesday during Casey Anthony's murder trial, she was researching before her daughter disappeared. Wednesday marked day 24, including jury selection, of Casey's trial.

Casey is accused of killing her daughter, 2-year-old Caylee Marie Anthony.

Casey Anthony entered the courtroom on Wednesday, wearing grey pants and a peach colored button-down shirt. She had her hair pulled back.

Prosecutors said Casey might have thought she covered her tracks by deleting her self-incriminating searches on her family's computer, but Orange County investigators began uncovering her computer history.

Sandra Osborne of the Orange County Sheriff's Office was called by prosecutors to testify about photos and the Internet searches on a computer at Casey's home.

More: http://www.wftv.com/news/28167030/detail.html
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