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Casey Anthony Trial: Dream Team ‘Nightmare’ Casey’s Lead Attorney Jose Baez? - DBKP

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Casey Anthony Trial: Dream Team ‘Nightmare’ Casey’s Lead Attorney Jose Baez? - DBKP Empty Casey Anthony Trial: Dream Team ‘Nightmare’ Casey’s Lead Attorney Jose Baez? - DBKP

Post by mom_in_il Mon Jun 20, 2011 8:20 pm

Casey Anthony Trial: Dream Team ‘Nightmare’ Casey’s Lead Attorney Jose Baez?
June 20, 2011 By LBG1


Judge Perry Warns of 'Ultimate Sanction' - Video

The ‘buzz’ today on the web, ‘Is Jose Baez in contempt of court?’

Judge Belvin Perry adjourned the Casey Anthony trial until tomorrow after Perry ‘admonished’ both the state and prosecution-Video of Perry’s ‘admonishment’ posted below. Based on Perry’s remarks, Perry has given a ‘final warning’ to Baez to ‘behave’ with Perry waiting until after the trial to take up further action against Baez. In January Baez was sanctioned and fined by Judge Perry for failing to turn over discovery information to the prosecution.

More: http://deathby1000papercuts.com/2011/06/casey-anthony-trial-dream-team-nightmare-caseys-lead-attorney-jose-baez/
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