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Roy Kronk sues bounty hunter Leonard Padilla in latest Casey Anthony-related suit - CFNews13

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Roy Kronk sues bounty hunter Leonard Padilla in latest Casey Anthony-related suit - CFNews13 Empty Roy Kronk sues bounty hunter Leonard Padilla in latest Casey Anthony-related suit - CFNews13

Post by mom_in_il Mon Jul 18, 2011 2:21 pm

Roy Kronk sues bounty hunter Leonard Padilla in latest Casey Anthony-related suit
Last Updated: Monday, July 18, 2011 9:59 AM



Roy Kronk, the man who discovered Caylee Anthony’s remains, is suing bounty hunter Leonard Padilla for defamation.

The claim was filed Friday in Orange Circuit Court.


The complaint seeks more than $15,000 in damages.

More: http://www.cfnews13.com/article/news/2011/july/280881?cmpid=caseytwitter
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