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Casey Anthony: How is she like Elvis and Big Foot? - Hal

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Casey Anthony: How is she like Elvis and Big Foot? - Hal Empty Casey Anthony: How is she like Elvis and Big Foot? - Hal

Post by mom_in_il Sun Aug 14, 2011 2:09 pm

Casey Anthony: How is she like Elvis and Big Foot?
posted by halboedeker on August, 13 2011 9:09 AM

It seemed like old times last night on HLN as the channel turned back to Casey Anthony. HLN hosts and commentators speculated about what Anthony will do next when she returns to Orange County to serve a year of supervised probation.

Nancy Grace, her voice dripping sarcasm, predicted that Anthony will answer phones in attorney Jose Baez’s office. “It ain’t over yet,” Grace said gleefully.

Casey Jordan predicted that Anthony will wind up working in Baez’s office and living at attorney Cheney Mason’s house. “They have been enabling her,” Jordan said.

Mason had said that Anthony could live at his house, Mike Brooks reminded viewers. But Brooks added that it wasn’t clear where Anthony would live, and he predicted that the paparazzi would hound her.

Speculation has always been a big part of the Anthony coverage. Vinnie Politan wondered where Anthony has been since she left the Orange County Jail on July 17. “Like Elvis or Big Foot, she’s been spotted all over,” Politan said.

But her whereabouts may not be a mystery much longer. Chief Judge Belvin Perry ruled Friday that Anthony must return by Aug. 26 to serve a year’s supervised probation for check fraud.

Jane Velez-Mitchell said she was “really shocked” by Perry’s ruling. “Are the courts trying to save face and stick it to Casey Anthony?” Velez-Mitchell asked.

Velez-Mitchell saw a political component to Perry’s ruling, which she said was a way to punish Anthony and give the people of Orlando what they want.

Yet attorney Brad Conway, who used to represented George and Cindy Anthony, said Perry makes decisions based on the law and not on politics. (And wouldn’t you think that Perry is one of the most popular people in Orlando after Anthony’s nationally televised murder trial? She was acquitted July 5 of first-degree murder in the death of her daughter, Caylee.)

The commentators focused on Perry’s criticism of Baez in the probation ruling. Velez-Mitchell highlighted Perry’s view that zeal cannot give way to unprofessionalism, a slam against Baez. Grace said that Tot Mom’s defense took advantage of a clerical error in Judge Stan Strickland’s ruling about probation in the check-fraud case. And Conway said it was Baez’s responsibility to adhere to court rulings.

Will there be an appeal of Perry’s ruling?

Judge Larry Seidlin, who gained fame in the Anna Nicole Smith case, predicted that Anthony will serve probation and that appellate judges won’t touch Perry’s ruling. “Perry made it bullet-proof,” Seidlin said.

But Bill Sheaffer, the WFTV-Channel 9 legal analyst who was a Grace guest, predicted that Anthony’s defense team would appeal and there would be a stay.

Velez-Mitchell said she found the situation bizarre and dangerous. Anthony is not like everyone else and can’t get a regular job or live with her attorneys forever, the HLN host said.

“She is a lost soul,” Velez-Mitchell said. “She has alienated her own family.”

What do you think?

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