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Anthony completes online financial management course - WESH

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Anthony completes online financial management course - WESH Empty Anthony completes online financial management course - WESH

Post by mom_in_il Mon May 06, 2013 1:03 pm

Anthony completes online financial management course
Course required for bankruptcy case

Published 12:32 PM EDT May 01, 2013

ORLANDO, Fla. —Court records show Casey Anthony has competed an online course required to keep her bankruptcy case afloat.

The certificate dated April 26, shows that Anthony completed an online personal financial management course required by the federal bankruptcy court.

In a hearing last month, attorneys for the two people suing Anthony in state court, Zenaida Gonzalez and Roy Kronk, asked for more time to file objections to Anthony's bankruptcy action.

The judge suggested resolving those two civil suits in state court first to see if Gonzalez and Kronk will still be creditors of Anthony's after the suits are resolved.

The judge will take up the latest motion on May 8 in Tampa.

Read more: http://www.wesh.com/news/casey-anthony-extended-coverage/anthony-completes-online-financial-management-course/-/13479888/19969134/-/p1m36p/-/index.html#ixzz2SW7yQFdo
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