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Casey Anthony jurors couldn't agree on motive - Chelsea Hoffman

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Casey Anthony jurors couldn't agree on motive - Chelsea Hoffman Empty Casey Anthony jurors couldn't agree on motive - Chelsea Hoffman

Post by mom_in_il Wed Jun 25, 2014 5:00 pm

Casey Anthony jurors couldn't agree on motive

Orlando : FL : USA
Jun 23, 2014 at 7:34 PM PDT
BY Chelsea Hoffman

Casey Anthony is still living freely and happily among the public after being acquitted in the murder of her daughter. If you're among the many who are still angered by this fact, then you're about to be infuriated. This report shares that the jurors in the high profile case that allowed a possible murderer to walk free couldn't seem to figure out what spelled out in front of them.

The state of Florida certainly didn't pick an A-Team when it came to choosing jurors for this trial. These people were so worthless that they couldn't even figure out and agree upon a motive -- a motive that was all but obvious to the rest of the world that watched this case. These jurors saw before them a pathological liar who got pregnant at a young age, who refused to reveal the father's identity, who did not want to go through with the pregnancy but did anyway, who felt like she was competing for attention from her parents with her own daughter, who refused to report the child missing for an entire month while she partied and had a wonderful time as if she never had a child at all. The jurors had a hard time with figuring out the motive behind Caylee Marie Anthony's murder. These jurors failed Caylee Anthony and failed the entire system because they were dense. The motive couldn't have been more clear if it had been tied up with a pretty bow and presented to them.

What do you think of this latest revelation? Certainly Casey Anthony herself couldn't be happier.

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