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SANTOS Children - Bronx NY

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SANTOS Children - Bronx NY Empty SANTOS Children - Bronx NY

Post by TomTerrific0420 Thu Aug 20, 2009 3:20 pm

A Bronx teenager claimed to be a zombie when he stabbed his three younger siblings inside their home Wednesday afternoon.

Police say Nelson Santos, 17, was babysitting his two younger brothers
and sister in their apartment at 1370 Clay Avenue when he attacked them
with a large kitchen knife at around 3:30pm.

When police arrived, they found Miguel, 13, stabbed at least five times
in the torso and his younger brother James, 6, stabbed in the back.
Their sister Ashley, 9, suffered superficial lacerations on her chest.

Reports say Miguel was able to escape the apartment and scream for
help. A neighbor, 19-year-old John Flores, was able to wrestle Santos
to the ground while Flores' mother Delila disarmed Santos, according to
the New York Daily News.

Santos was apprehended outside the apartment building as he was
attempting to flee. "I was zombie-like," Santos reportedly told police
when he explained the bloody scene.

Neighbors say Santos practiced black magic and claimed to see demons.
"He said the world was going to end so he had to kill his brothers and
sister," Flores told the New York Daily News.

According to police, the children were taken to St. Barnabas Hospital
and are listed in stable condition, except for the 6-year-old, who is
in serious condition.

Police charged Santos with assault and was taken to a hospital for psychiatric evaluation.
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