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JAYDEN ESCOBEDO - 4 months - San Antonio TX

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JAYDEN ESCOBEDO - 4 months - San Antonio TX Empty JAYDEN ESCOBEDO - 4 months - San Antonio TX

Post by TomTerrific0420 Tue Sep 08, 2009 1:16 am

A mom rushes her baby to the hospital after finding bruises on his
little body. That father is accused of hurting the 4-month-old.

Police say he even confessed to it.

boy named Jayden was brought to the Methodist Children's Hospital
emergency room after his mom found bruises on the baby's head, ear, and
JAYDEN ESCOBEDO - 4 months - San Antonio TX Story
The family told News 4 WOAI the father, 28-year-old Robert Escobedo, got frustrated with the baby over the weekend.

members tell us Escobedo was alone with little Jayden when he was hurt.
But it was his mom and other family that rushed the baby to the

Escobedo was arrested and charged with injury to a child shortly after doctors examined the baby.

is now out on bond and child protective services is investigating. The
baby was released from the hospital and is with his grandmother while
the investigation continues.
Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear
Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear

Job/hobbies : Searching for Truth and Justice

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