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Attorney Brings In World-Renowned Forensics Expert

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Attorney Brings In World-Renowned Forensics Expert Empty Attorney Brings In World-Renowned Forensics Expert

Post by petesaparte Fri Nov 14, 2008 11:32 pm

Casey Anthony's Attorneys Examine Car

POSTED: 12:28 pm EST November 14, 2008
UPDATED: 4:10 pm EST November 14, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. -- While the search continues for
Caylee Anthony, attorneys for the girl's mother are examining the
source of the evidence that led to murder charges in the case.

Jose Baez arrived at the Orange County Sheriff's Office with forensic
experts on Friday morning to see Casey Anthony's car and conduct their
own investigation.

Baez was joined by Dr. Henry Lee, a world-renowned forensics expert to
conduct the investigation. Lee was involved in the O.J. Simpson murder
case and the disappearance of JonBenet Ramsey.Lee has been known to find the tiniest of clues and has worked before without the body of a victim.Baez had filed a motion to gain access to the vehicle to conduct his own tests. The car has been in police custody since July.Investigators
have previously said they believe the car housed the decomposing body
of Caylee. They said a stain was found in the trunk of the car, and
there was a smell of decomposing flesh.Further tests also revealed traces of chloroform.

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Local Celebrity (no autographs, please)

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Attorney Brings In World-Renowned Forensics Expert Empty Judge in Spector trial rules defense expert Dr. Henry Lee hid or destroyed evidence

Post by Lisa_Z Sat Nov 15, 2008 8:39 pm

Judge in Spector trial rules defense expert Dr. Henry Lee hid or destroyed evidence

By Harriet Ryan
Court TV

LOS ANGELES — The judge in the Phil Spector murder trial said Wednesday that he had concluded Dr. Henry Lee, a defense expert and one of the country's most famous forensic scientists, hid or destroyed a piece of evidence from the scene of an actress's shooting.

Read the rest of the story....


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Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear

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