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An Open Letter to Web Sleuthers Everywhere… Hornsby

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An Open Letter to Web Sleuthers Everywhere… Hornsby Empty An Open Letter to Web Sleuthers Everywhere… Hornsby

Post by mom_in_il Fri Apr 09, 2010 4:37 am

An Open Letter to Web Sleuthers Everywhere…

Apr 8th, 2010
by Richard Hornsby.

Dear Web Sleuthers,

Hopefully you saw Fox 35 tonight when Shannon Butler broke the news that Robyn Adams is a liar.

I have all the jail calls for Adams, Benhaida, and Derkovic and now I need your help.

I need people to listen to the calls and then give a BRIEF synopsis of what each call contains.

There is 1 CD for Cecelia Benhaida who was incarcerated under the name Cecelia Holloway.

There is 1 CD for Maya Derkovic which is mostly in a language I do not recognize.

There are 4 CDs for Robyn Adams (over 800 calls) – 1 of the CDs is unreadable.

I need people to listen to the WAV files and report if there is anything Casey Anthony related or if it is just “drivel.”

So the purpose of this thread will be only for people who will agree to help and then for those people to post their findings here.

I will be releasing the download link at 11:00 a.m. tomorrow (need to give certain news stations I am friendly with a head start).

So if you are willing to help, be here at 11 a.m. tomorrow for the link which will be hosted at this forum on WebSleuths.com: http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=100847!

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Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear

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