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Perry Takes Over Casey Anthony Case

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Perry Takes Over Casey Anthony Case Empty Perry Takes Over Casey Anthony Case

Post by momgot2kids Tue Apr 20, 2010 10:15 pm

Perry Takes Over Casey Anthony Case
Strickland Removes Himself After Motion From Defense
POSTED: 4:17 pm EDT April 20, 2010
UPDATED: 4:50 pm EDT April 20, 2010
ORLANDO, Fla. -- Orange County Chief Judge Belvin Perry took over the murder case against Casey Anthony on Tuesday.

Perry replaced Judge Stan Strickland, who stepped down on Monday because of his comments to a blogger about the case.

Perry was described as a no-nonsense judge, who is tough on the law and is expected to be tough on the budget that Casey Anthony's defense will be able to spend.

"He's not going to accept any nonsense," Orlando defense attorney Mark NeJame said.

NeJame has practiced law in front of Perry for years.

"(He's) smart, doesn't suffer fools lightly and will not put up with any antics," NeJame said.

Attorney Richard Hornsby said the appointment of Perry could have a dramatic effect on how much money Anthony can hope to get from taxpayers to help funder her defense. The matter has yet to be settled.

"To suddenly have the judge who sets the budget for the entire Ninth Judicial Circuit on your case, he's going to be less likely to authorize fees unless he absolutely thinks they're necessary to defend Casey Anthony," Hornsby said.

NeJame and Hornsby are among six attorneys who spoke to WESH 2 News about the effect of the removal of Strickland will have on the Anthony case. All of them said the appointment of Perry will not help Anthony's defense in their quest to have the death penalty taken off the table.

"I don't think he'll have a problem imposing the death penalty. For him, I don't think it's a moral question. It's just a legal question about whether or not it's appropriate," Hornsby said.

Anthony's defense attorney, Jose Baez, wouldn't comment on the appointment of Perry to preside over the case.
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