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Papa George cuts off jail money

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Papa George cuts off jail money   Empty Papa George cuts off jail money

Post by mom_in_il Fri Jul 23, 2010 4:02 am

Casey Anthony: Papa George cuts off jail money

— posted by halboedeker on July, 22 2010 6:31 PM

There was a little Casey Anthony news today, and WFTV-Ch. 9 supplied headlines. Anthony doesn’t have any money in her jail account, WFTV reported tonight.

How did this come to be? “George Anthony has not put any money into jail account for nearly two months, not since the news broke that he wrote Casey an angry letter responding to her allegations of sexual abuse,” anchor Martie Salt said.

Yes, such allegations would anger a parent.

The bottom line? Anthony owes the jail more than $41, Salt added.

WFTV also reported that Judge Belvin Perry had appointed a special magistrate to watch over the Anthony defense team when it looks at Texas EquuSearch records.

Casey Anthony is charged with first-degree murder in the death of her daughter, Caylee.

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