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Preparing for the Penalty Phase - Hornsby

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Preparing for the Penalty Phase - Hornsby Empty Preparing for the Penalty Phase - Hornsby

Post by mom_in_il Fri Sep 10, 2010 2:01 pm

Preparing for the Penalty Phase

Sep 9th, 2010 by Richard Hornsby.


What Does all of this Mean?

Jeff Ashton has already gone on record that the reason the State sought the Death Penalty was because Casey Anthony was the first women who did not have some mental issue that justified not seeking death penalty.

This suggests that the State consulted with a mental health professional before seeking the death penalty to reach such a conclusion.

This also suggests that when the Defense files their Notice of Intent to Present Mental Health mitigation pursuant to Rule 3.202 exactly twenty days before the trial is slated to begin, the defense fully expects that the expert the State selects to examine Casey Anthony will disagree that any mental health mitigator exists.
. . . . .
Preemptive Defense

In anticipation of this, the defense brings Ms. Sims on board specifically to debunk the State expert’s methodology.

READ MORE: http://blog.richardhornsby.com/2010/09/preparing-for-the-penalty-phase/
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