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Is It Caylee? Anthonys Suspicious

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Is It Caylee? Anthonys Suspicious Empty Is It Caylee? Anthonys Suspicious

Post by Impetuous Sun Dec 14, 2008 7:24 pm


"ORLANDO -- Orange County sheriff's officials said Saturday the evidence is mounting that the skeletal remains of a small child found Thursday may belong to Caylee Anthony.

Investigators are out Sunday for the fourth day of searching a wooded area near the Anthony home where the remains were first found, hoping to discover more clues to determine if they are the missing 3-year-old.

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Michelle Bart, spokeswoman for Caylee's grandparents, George and Cindy Anthony, said the family is suspicious of the circumstances leading to the findings.

"It's been searched dry, it's been searched wet, it's been searched in between. It's been searched over by Tim Miller [of Texas EquuSearch] twice, who we hold in high regards with his professional organization," Bart told News 13."

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