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Casey Anthony: So you think you have this wrapped up? - HO

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Casey Anthony: So you think you have this wrapped up? - HO Empty Casey Anthony: So you think you have this wrapped up? - HO

Post by mom_in_il Tue Nov 30, 2010 3:35 pm

Written on 30 November 2010 at 07:37 by humbleopinion Casey Anthony: So you think you have this wrapped up?


After an hour in the courtroom of smiling, giggles and laughs, seems Casey feels she will over comes all of this! Yesterday Finnell claims to have 50 people for the death penalty phase, I say hog wash, but OK I’ll go with it! She wants to keep the names sealed [document] because she doesn’t want these people harassed. Not to mention, Finnell is having a hard time keeping to her deadlines, and got an extension!

READ MORE: http://humbleopinionforum.net/2010/11/30/casey-anthony-so-you-think-you-have-this-wrapped-up/
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