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Caylee Anthony case: How to get grounded in 3 easy steps - Valhall

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Post by mom_in_il Sat Dec 11, 2010 3:58 pm

Caylee Anthony case: How to get grounded in 3 easy steps
Posted on December 11, 2010 by Valhall


You’re 15 years old and your parents go out for the evening leaving your 17-year-old brother in charge of you. Before they leave on their date they state before you and your older brother than you are to finish all your chores before you go to the movies with your friends. Your chores are: take out the trash and put your dirty clothes in the hamper. They will be back at midnight and their final words are they better find all chores done when they get home.

You spend the early evening playing video games. Your brother tells you three times to get your chores done. Your friends show up to pick you up and you leave a note with your brother saying “I got my chores done.” Your room looks like a dirty-clothes bomb went off and you only took the trash as far as the front porch instead of all the way to the dumpster.

Mom and Dad come home finding the trash on the front porch and your room a crap-hole. You get home 15 minutes after midnight – late on your curfew. Your parents start a lecture, your brother tells how he tried to get you to mind them, you say “This is a waste, a huge waste. I don’t even know why we’re here.”

Voila – not only for the next 2 weeks do you have to do your chores, you’re now having to do your brother’s chores….and you’re grounded.

Yes – that’s the hypothetical summary of the events leading to and during the hearing held on December 10, 2010. Here’s the real summary:

READ MORE: http://www.thehinkymeter.com/2010/12/11/caylee-anthony-case-how-to-get-grounded-in-3-easy-steps/
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