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Daffy Old Coot Mistakes Court Hearing for Parent-Teacher Conference - eggtree

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Post by mom_in_il Wed Jan 19, 2011 4:16 pm

Daffy Old Coot Mistakes Court Hearing for Parent-Teacher Conference

Posted January 18, 2011 by eggtreenews


-Orlando, FL

Local eccentric coot with a law license, Cheney Mason, bewildered spectators on this side of sane last week, when he stumbled into the latest Casey Anthony hearing under the demented pretense it was a parent/teacher conference. In full Colonel Sanders attire, he wandered into the classroom in a cloud of marijuana smoke, b.o., and the crazies, to work some magic on young Jose Baez’s harsh teachers. Carrying a bucket of chicken under one arm to present to ‘Professor’ Perry and ‘Teacher’s Assistant’ Jeff Ashton as a peace offering, Mason wibble-wobbled his way over to Baez’s desk, and greeted the freshly sanctioned Jose with an exclusive bromance handshake. Wearing a nifty shirt advertising his law firm (which STILL hasn’t got a functioning website), the Hispanic Hero put on his best “I’m sowwy, please don’t send me to detention” smirk, and sat at his desk while Cheech to his Chong mumbled on his behalf.

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Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear

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