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Florida Bar confirms new complaint against Jose Baez

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Florida Bar confirms new complaint against Jose Baez Empty Florida Bar confirms new complaint against Jose Baez

Post by mom_in_il Thu Feb 03, 2011 2:41 pm

Florida Bar confirms new complaint against Jose Baez
By Anthony Colarossi, Orlando Sentinel

9:00 p.m. EST, February 2, 2011


The Florida Bar has confirmed a new complaint was lodged against Casey Anthony attorney Jose Baez.

"There's a file open, and anything else is confidential at this time," said Karen Kirksey, a Florida Bar spokeswoman, adding that the complaint is "at staff" level at this point.

"That means the Bar is looking into it, asking questions, just looking to see if it has any merit," Kirksey said. "No probable cause has been found."

Baez hung up the phone as soon as a reporter called to ask about the complaint Wednesday.

READ MORE: http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/local/caylee-anthony/os-jose-baez-bar-complaint-20110202,0,312701.story
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