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Casey Anthony – The Dance Continues - CFJ

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Casey Anthony – The Dance Continues - CFJ Empty Casey Anthony – The Dance Continues - CFJ

Post by mom_in_il Fri Mar 04, 2011 4:38 am

Casey Anthony – The Dance Continues
03/03/2011 donchais


Yesterday was long and not a whole heck of a lot got accomplished. Hopefully we will see a quicker pace today. I do wonder how disgusting Baez will be today with his innuendo when John Allen is on the stand.

I get the feeling that we may still be addressing several of these issues on Friday possibly or Judge Perry may have to schedule something for next week.

For some reason the hearing starts 15 minutes late. It begins with the Judge admonishing the audience about commenting, making facial expressions or gesturing.

Casey is wearing the same red sweater from yesterday, but with a grey jacket over it.

Next, Baez claims he has confidential information to share with the Judge so a side bar is called.

READ MORE: http://callsforjustice.wordpress.com/2011/03/03/casey-anthony-the-dance-continues/
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