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Circus Clowns for Hire!

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Circus Clowns for Hire! Empty Circus Clowns for Hire!

Post by TiphInTx Sun Jan 18, 2009 5:07 pm

by TiphInTx Today at 12:50 pm
So, yesterday I was just randomly thinking about things and of course the case came into mind. I can't get out of my head LP saying that Bozo called him on 8/12 about help bonding Crazey out.

So, this leads to me thinking about why he picked LP to help him. LP and Rob were on the Bounty Hunters that aired back in January 2008, so they were getting their celeb title, right? Bozo knowing that Crazey had no money nor did her parents. Bozo's thought to bring in some well-known people to the case for more demanded interviews, which equals more money for the circus to run the show.

Bozo knew he wasn't defending Crazey for free and that was his plan. :shock:
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Circus Clowns for Hire! Empty Re: Circus Clowns for Hire!

Post by Impetuous Sun Jan 18, 2009 5:58 pm

Hi Tiph,

There was also rumor that Whoraldo know LP and connected LP and Bias. But in any event, I think you're right...Bias, as much as he whines about the media, really wants the media to create the high publicity and attract big $$$$ experts to the circus because he knows he can't pay for them but these experts will later be able to write about it and make any $$$ back...

In the way he's dealing with the whole case (ie filing motions & setting hearings as opposed to trying to work things out with the state & then grand standing a "solution") it is clear to me that he wants to make this as contentious as possible....through in his continued claims of police misconduct and who wouldn't tune in to this story....He's so far gone with the publicity of it all that IMO he's does not have KC's best interest here....
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