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Can Jose Baez Be Called a Good Trial Lawyer? - bullstopper

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Can Jose Baez Be Called a Good Trial Lawyer? - bullstopper Empty Can Jose Baez Be Called a Good Trial Lawyer? - bullstopper

Post by mom_in_il Sat Apr 02, 2011 2:36 pm

Can Jose Baez Be Called a Good Trial Lawyer?
2 Apr


On April 1, 2011, a hearing was held in preparation for the trial of the suspect of the murder of two-year-old Caylee Anthony. After attempting to introduce new evidence and receiving multiple scoldings by the court, defense attorney Jose Baez began to ask a defense expert a series of questions based upon a specific report, a report which was not provided to either the prosecution or the court. Prosecutor Jeff Ashton requested a copy of the referenced report, as well as a short recess during which he would read it.

The actions of Mr. Baez leading up to this moment may be seen and heard at the following link.


Instructions and commentary provided by the court about this issue may be seen and heard at the beginning of the following link.


READ MORE: http://bullstopper.wordpress.com/2011/04/02/can-jose-baez-be-called-a-good-trial-lawyer/
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