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Peers name James Cheney Mason one of the top Attorney’s in 2011; Defense questions about the media leaks; State objects to LifeTime channels - HO

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Peers name James Cheney Mason one of the top Attorney’s in 2011; Defense questions about the media leaks; State objects to LifeTime channels - HO Empty Peers name James Cheney Mason one of the top Attorney’s in 2011; Defense questions about the media leaks; State objects to LifeTime channels - HO

Post by mom_in_il Mon Apr 04, 2011 11:16 pm

Written on 4 April 2011 at 15:34 by humbleopinion
Peers name James Cheney Mason one of the top Attorney’s in 2011; Defense questions about the media leaks; State objects to LifeTime channels


Bet we thought that would never happen! And how do they decide who is the top “white-collar” defense attorney’s in March of 2011? Is it because he is “REALLY” a great attorney? Is it because he took on the Caylee v. Casey case? Here is how they picked Mason: A national attorney evaluation firm, Woodward/White, Inc., conducted an extensive peer-review survey asking established local lawyers to name top practitioners in their areas of specialization. Those lawyers were asked, “If you could not handle a case yourself, to whom would you refer it?’’ Orlando Magazine
What I do laugh at, is that the peers of Jose Baez didn’t pick him. He in is own mind is a Great Criminal defense Attorney, just ask him!

READ MORE: http://humbleopinionforum.net/2011/04/04/peers-names-james-cheney-mason-one-of-the-top-attorneys-in-2011-defense-questions-about-he-media-leaks-state-objects-to-lifetime-channels/
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