Casey Anthony Update: Judge Perry Rules On Motions - BNN
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Casey Anthony Update: Judge Perry Rules On Motions - BNN
Casey Anthony Update: Judge Perry Rules On Motions
Posted on April 26th, 2011 by Jan Barrett
Judge Belvin Perry made his rulings on some key evidence for the trial of Casey Anthony coming up in May. I am sure the defense is disappointed in the rulings but in all honesty they shouldn’t really be surprised.
The Judge has ruled that he will allow evidence about the single hair that was found in the trunk of Casey Anthony’s car, said to have a death band on it according to analysts.
Judge Perry also will allow the testimony about the cadaver dogs that hit on certain areas in the Anthony’s back yard and on the trunk of Casey’s car. Prosecutors say the dogs are specifically trained to picked up the scent of human decomposition.
Perry will also allow the evidence of the heart-shaped residue that was seen on the duct tape at the scene where Caylee Anthony’s remains were found.
Posted on April 26th, 2011 by Jan Barrett
Judge Belvin Perry made his rulings on some key evidence for the trial of Casey Anthony coming up in May. I am sure the defense is disappointed in the rulings but in all honesty they shouldn’t really be surprised.
The Judge has ruled that he will allow evidence about the single hair that was found in the trunk of Casey Anthony’s car, said to have a death band on it according to analysts.
Judge Perry also will allow the testimony about the cadaver dogs that hit on certain areas in the Anthony’s back yard and on the trunk of Casey’s car. Prosecutors say the dogs are specifically trained to picked up the scent of human decomposition.
Perry will also allow the evidence of the heart-shaped residue that was seen on the duct tape at the scene where Caylee Anthony’s remains were found.
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