Why Did a Top Jury Consultant Quit the Casey Anthony Case at the 11th Hour? - Women in Crime Ink
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Why Did a Top Jury Consultant Quit the Casey Anthony Case at the 11th Hour? - Women in Crime Ink
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Why Did a Top Jury Consultant Quit the Casey Anthony Case at the 11th Hour?
by Dr. Lillian Glass
Until jury consultant Richard Gabriel quit as the consultant on the Casey Anthony case a few days before jury selection was to occur, I was concerned. The reason? He is one of the top jury consultants in the country. He has represented some of the most high-profile cases, and he has even written a book on the topic.
So, why would Gabriel bail ship at the last minute? It is a seemingly unprofessional thing for such a seasoned professional to do. Several possible reasons for pulling out are outlined here:
READ MORE: http://womenincrimeink.blogspot.com/2011/05/why-did-top-jury-consultant-quit-casey.html
Why Did a Top Jury Consultant Quit the Casey Anthony Case at the 11th Hour?
by Dr. Lillian Glass
Until jury consultant Richard Gabriel quit as the consultant on the Casey Anthony case a few days before jury selection was to occur, I was concerned. The reason? He is one of the top jury consultants in the country. He has represented some of the most high-profile cases, and he has even written a book on the topic.
So, why would Gabriel bail ship at the last minute? It is a seemingly unprofessional thing for such a seasoned professional to do. Several possible reasons for pulling out are outlined here:
READ MORE: http://womenincrimeink.blogspot.com/2011/05/why-did-top-jury-consultant-quit-casey.html
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