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Casey Anthony Escorted From Courtroom - WKMG

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Casey Anthony Escorted From Courtroom - WKMG Empty Casey Anthony Escorted From Courtroom - WKMG

Post by mom_in_il Thu May 12, 2011 12:16 pm

Casey Anthony Escorted From Courtroom
Judge Offers Defense Homeless Jurors

POSTED: Wednesday, May 11, 2011
UPDATED: 6:51 am EDT May 12, 2011


CLEARWATER, Fla. -- Casey Anthony was escorted from a Pinellas County courtroom during the third day of jury selection in her first-degree murder trial.

VIDEO: Day 3 | Twist | Potential Witness | Contempt
IMAGES: Confrontation | Day 3 | Jury Site
SPECIAL SECTION: Casey Anthony Case

Anthony has showed a range of emotions since jury selection began Monday, including crying each time Judge Belvin Perry reads the list of charges against her to the potential jury panel.

Jury selection was halted just before 5 p.m. Wednesday, following Perry reading the charges against Anthony for the third time this week, and Anthony was escorted form the courtroom with her attorney, Jose Baez. She returned at 5:08 p.m.

After returning, Anthony required both hands to hold a water cup.

READ MORE: http://www.clickorlando.com/news/27858532/detail.html
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