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Day 7 of jury selection – the 5 aggravating factors - andrea

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Day 7 of jury selection – the 5 aggravating factors - andrea Empty Day 7 of jury selection – the 5 aggravating factors - andrea

Post by mom_in_il Mon May 16, 2011 12:50 pm

May 15, 2011 · 9:45 pm
Day 7 of jury selection – the 5 aggravating factors


As we know, the requisite number of jurors, in the State of Florida v. Casey Anthony, have not been met. Therefore, jury selection will resume on Monday, May 16th, continuing, and hopefully concluding, on Tuesday.

Reportedly, Judge Perry would like to give the jurors a one-day break to get settled in (Wednesday), and begin opening statements on Thursday, May 19th.

As of now, 12 potential jurors have made it through phase two of vior dire – the count is 6 men, 6 woman. Judge Perry recently advised the Attorney’s that his “magic number” of jurors is 15, though he’d like to have 20, he’ll settle with 15.

READ MORE: http://andreadreamin.com/2011/05/15/day-7-of-jury-selection-the-5-aggravating-factors/
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