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Casey Anthony's Lies - Diane Dimond

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Post by mom_in_il Mon May 30, 2011 5:58 am

Casey Anthony's Lies

by Diane Dimond May 29, 2011 | 1:50pm


The murder trial’s first week ended with riveting details of the defendant’s double life. With all sides conceding Anthony was a liar, her fate now hangs on which fib the jury buys. By Diane Dimond

Casey Anthony had a monumental meltdown at the end of the first week of her capital murder trial in Orlando, Florida. It came during a break in her mother’s testimony, during which Cindy Anthony had been describing how she found out her unmarried 19-year-old daughter was pregnant and tearfully identified pictures of her dead granddaughter’s bedroom and backyard play area.

After the jury left the room, her mother’s attorney put his arm around an emotional Cindy to lead her away—and 25-year-old Casey pitched a tantrum befitting a toddler. Tears flowed down her reddened face as two of her attorneys moved in to calm her, gesturing and whispering wildly, her hands clenched into fists and her head shaking back and forth.

More: http://www.thedailybeast.com/blogs-and-stories/2011-05-29/casey-anthony-the-trials-first-week-ends-with-riveting-details-and-lies/
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