Casey Anthony – Just Make It Stop Already - CFJ
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Casey Anthony – Just Make It Stop Already - CFJ
Casey Anthony – Just Make It Stop Already
06/06/2011 donchais
After two weeks of damning videos and testimony Casey Anthony has been shown to be a lying, self-centered, cruel manipulator. As the evidence mounts and the defense flounders, I have to wonder what the jury is thinking as week three begins.
The countless sidebars, normally over miss-steps by Jose Baez have surely left some kind of impression on the jury! And, the defense’s badgering, insulting, and bullying of witnesses can’t have scored any points!
Not that I give a rats butt, I wonder what Casey thinks of her man-crushes, Mason and Baez, now.
Baez begins with renewing objections regarding Dr. Vass. They depo’d Vass Friday evening. The database is in Microsoft and Vass is using his experience and research and hasn’t utilized the database in some time and therefore the defense says they haven’t had the opportunity to fully questioning him.
Dr. Arpad Vass is called. He has been at Oak Ridge National Laboratories and a very hefty CV.
He goes into the biochemical parameters of decomposition and says when begun in 1972, it was a relatively new science. 1100 donated bodies have been studied. Some bodies are buried, some left on the surface.
They look at the chemical breakdown during decomposition and analyze the fluids in the bodies and on fabrics.
Baez jumps up and objects to Vass’ narrative saying he isn’t a biologist!
Now Baez jumps up and objects to the narrative because Vass isn’t a chemist.
Judge Perry says overruled in a very stern tone.
Jeff Ashton is getting pissed with the interruptions!
Baez objects the 3rd time!!!
06/06/2011 donchais
After two weeks of damning videos and testimony Casey Anthony has been shown to be a lying, self-centered, cruel manipulator. As the evidence mounts and the defense flounders, I have to wonder what the jury is thinking as week three begins.
The countless sidebars, normally over miss-steps by Jose Baez have surely left some kind of impression on the jury! And, the defense’s badgering, insulting, and bullying of witnesses can’t have scored any points!
Not that I give a rats butt, I wonder what Casey thinks of her man-crushes, Mason and Baez, now.
Baez begins with renewing objections regarding Dr. Vass. They depo’d Vass Friday evening. The database is in Microsoft and Vass is using his experience and research and hasn’t utilized the database in some time and therefore the defense says they haven’t had the opportunity to fully questioning him.
Dr. Arpad Vass is called. He has been at Oak Ridge National Laboratories and a very hefty CV.
He goes into the biochemical parameters of decomposition and says when begun in 1972, it was a relatively new science. 1100 donated bodies have been studied. Some bodies are buried, some left on the surface.
They look at the chemical breakdown during decomposition and analyze the fluids in the bodies and on fabrics.
Baez jumps up and objects to Vass’ narrative saying he isn’t a biologist!
Now Baez jumps up and objects to the narrative because Vass isn’t a chemist.
Judge Perry says overruled in a very stern tone.
Jeff Ashton is getting pissed with the interruptions!
Baez objects the 3rd time!!!
mom_in_il- Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear
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