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Did the Judge in the Casey Anthony call just make a big blunder? - Greta

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Did the Judge in the Casey Anthony call just make a big blunder? - Greta Empty Did the Judge in the Casey Anthony call just make a big blunder? - Greta

Post by mom_in_il Mon Jun 06, 2011 11:13 pm

Did the Judge in the Casey Anthony call just make a big blunder?
Greta Van Susteren | June 6, 2011 2:37 PM

The prosecution witness, Dr. Arzpad Vass, is now on the witness stand undergoing cross examination by defense attorney Jose Baez.

Baez wanted to cross examination Vass about a tool he is developing to help detect decomposition odor. The judge cut Baez off. The judge is – in my opinion – wrong not to permit Baez to fully cross examine Vass about any financial interest he may have.

Bias is ALWAYS relevant and a proper area of cross examination. If Vass has a financial interest in a tool that is germane to his testimony – if for nothing else but to spotlight him as some kind of odor expert so that law enforcement knows about his tool or might now want to buy it or does buy it – the defense attorney would be remiss not to expose that information to the jury.

It is legal malpractice (ineffective assistance of counsel) not to ask about potential bias so that the jury can weigh the testimony of the witness and determine how much, if any, credibility to assign to that testimony.

Baez started to cross examine Vass about the potential bias having to do with a patent and money and the judge said no. I think the judge was wrong.

Read more: http://gretawire.blogs.foxnews.com/did-the-judge-in-the-casey-anthony-call-just-make-a-big-blunder/#ixzz1OXZgtkeO
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