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A Lesson From the Casey Anthony Trial

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A Lesson From the Casey Anthony Trial Empty A Lesson From the Casey Anthony Trial

Post by mom_in_il Mon Jun 13, 2011 9:58 pm

A Lesson From the Casey Anthony Trial


In trial, credibility is everything. If the jury believes the criminal-defense lawyer, the defendant has a fighting chance even in the face of evidence that is on its face strong; if the jury thinks the criminal-defense lawyer is a liar, the defendant is doomed even if the facts against him appear weak.

So there is a certain logic to Orlando criminal-defense lawyer Jose Baez asking for a mistrial because evidence had been admitted that disparaged his character. The evidence in question? Jail telephone recordings of his client talking to her family members about him:

More: http://blog.bennettandbennett.com/2011/06/a-lesson-from-the-casey-anthony-trial.html
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