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Casey Anthony Murder Trial: Chief Defense Witness Bill Rodriguez Perjurs Himself- OUT HE GOES- .. Ashton Spits Out Spitz… Blink Discuss Live Tonight On Dana Pretzer Show (Podcast Added) - Blink

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Casey Anthony Murder Trial: Chief Defense Witness Bill Rodriguez Perjurs Himself- OUT HE GOES- .. Ashton Spits Out Spitz… Blink Discuss Live Tonight On Dana Pretzer Show (Podcast Added) - Blink Empty Casey Anthony Murder Trial: Chief Defense Witness Bill Rodriguez Perjurs Himself- OUT HE GOES- .. Ashton Spits Out Spitz… Blink Discuss Live Tonight On Dana Pretzer Show (Podcast Added) - Blink

Post by mom_in_il Wed Jun 22, 2011 4:53 pm

Casey Anthony Murder Trial: Chief Defense Witness Bill Rodriguez Perjurs Himself- OUT HE GOES- .. Ashton Spits Out Spitz… Blink Discuss Live Tonight On Dana Pretzer Show (Podcast Added)
Posted by Blink | Tuesday 21 June 2011 3:07 pm


Orlando, FL- The Ninth Circuit of Orange County is beginning to look like their own decay facility.

If your watching the murder trial of Casey Anthony, for the murder of her daughter Caylee as the defense is presenting their case in chief, you are watching Jose Baez et al building their own THE BODY FARM, of defense witnesses, that is.

For those of you who wish to maintain your decorum and have been advised to remove sharp objects from your reach, I offer the Blink hilight reel.

More: http://blinkoncrime.com/2011/06/21/casey-anthony-murder-trial-chief-defense-witness-bill-rodriguez-perjurs-himself-out-he-goes-ashton-spits-out-spitz-blink-discuss-live-tonight-on-dana-pretzer-show/
Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear
Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear

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