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Speculation At the Casey Anthony Trial - SA

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Speculation At the Casey Anthony Trial - SA Empty Speculation At the Casey Anthony Trial - SA

Post by mom_in_il Mon Jun 27, 2011 3:04 am

Sunday, June 26, 2011
Speculation At the Casey Anthony Trial
Will George now lie on the stand, too?


What caused the trial to end so suddenly on Saturday after a meeting of lawyers and the judge?

Speculation is rampant. Here are some of the proposed ideas we are hearing:

1. Prosecutorial misconduct alleged by Baez
2. Cheney Mason quitting or wanting out...
3. Mason seeking a plea deal with Baez and Casey protesting
4. Photo of Caylee at the door is photoshopped and a fabrication and Baez got caught
5. Jury misconduct of some form (rumors that one juror made a gesture toward Baez)
6. Baez accuses the judge of misconduct with his quip that if Ashton says something enough, it must be true. This is a slap in the face of Judge Perry. Not something Judge Perry will likely take without serious response.[left]

More: http://seamusoriley.blogspot.com/2011/06/speculation-at-casey-anthony-trial.html
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