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damned if she does; damned if she doesn’t (take the stand) - andrea

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damned if she does; damned if she doesn’t (take the stand) - andrea Empty damned if she does; damned if she doesn’t (take the stand) - andrea

Post by mom_in_il Mon Jun 27, 2011 5:30 pm

June 26, 2011 · 11:06 pm
damned if she does; damned if she doesn’t (take the stand)


The incompetence of Jose Baez has been the subject of many of my posts. I will never understand how a lawyer without ANY experience in Murder One cases, would keep the Casey Anthony case. Moreover, who could believe that a case that has America transfixed, would end up having a defense and lawyers that are brunt of jokes and clear laughing stocks?

Let’s say, very hypothetically, that Casey is innocent and Jose is her lawyer.

No, let’s not. The outcome would be tragic.

More: http://andreadreamin.com/2011/06/26/damned-if-she-does-damned-if-she-doesnt-take-the-stand/
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