Gdaddy says:
3 posters
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Gdaddy says:
To all you that have taken place on this Blog over the past THREE Years,
This started out as a little blog talking about one case three years ago and has grown into something that everyone can be proud of. It has grown into something that is trying to help those that can't help themselves. My DW, Mermaid, and several of you have been here from the very start. So that means so have I, and through all my griping and complaining ya'll were unfaultering in your goal. So I urge all of you not to let this setback, as wrong as the verdict was, to stop you from what has become your new goal. To continue to help those that can't speak for or help themselves because of horrible people and what they did. Take this to a new level and help the helpless, believe me it makes a difference. I am a first hand skeptic that became a believer in your cause!! Help each other when they need it. This is more than a chat room now, please treat it as such!
Sorry about the rant But I mean every word of it and thanks for letting me be part of the amazing group that started this web site and do all the hard work to keep it running and making a difference. Thank you all!!!
This started out as a little blog talking about one case three years ago and has grown into something that everyone can be proud of. It has grown into something that is trying to help those that can't help themselves. My DW, Mermaid, and several of you have been here from the very start. So that means so have I, and through all my griping and complaining ya'll were unfaultering in your goal. So I urge all of you not to let this setback, as wrong as the verdict was, to stop you from what has become your new goal. To continue to help those that can't speak for or help themselves because of horrible people and what they did. Take this to a new level and help the helpless, believe me it makes a difference. I am a first hand skeptic that became a believer in your cause!! Help each other when they need it. This is more than a chat room now, please treat it as such!
Sorry about the rant But I mean every word of it and thanks for letting me be part of the amazing group that started this web site and do all the hard work to keep it running and making a difference. Thank you all!!!
Gdaddy- Serial Blogger
Re: Gdaddy says:
Your Welcome, just keep doing what ya'll are doing, believe it or not it helps. Remember the girl in New Orleans she went home after finding out ya'll were looking and helping her mom find her. That's just one of many.Admin wrote: I've been trying for hours to compose something. Thank you, GDaddy.
Gdaddy- Serial Blogger
Re: Gdaddy says:
Thank you Gdaddy. So very happy you've become a "believer" and joined our family here. I think everyone here is pretty special.
alwaysbelieve- Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear
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