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Going forward and moving on - Valhall

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Going forward and moving on - Valhall Empty Going forward and moving on - Valhall

Post by mom_in_il Mon Jul 11, 2011 2:25 pm

Going forward and moving on
Posted on July 10, 2011 by Valhall


As I’m sure many were (as indicated by comments on the board), I was amazed and disappointed at the verdict in the Casey Anthony murder trial. It’s not the first time I have been amazed by the decision of 12 jurors. Over 10 years ago I watched with astonishment as 12 jurors passed a not guilty verdict in the OJ Simpson trial. At the time of that trial I worked for myself out of my home and I had listened to and watched the entire trial. While I can’t say that I believe he actually murdered Nicole, the complicity and conspiring to have her murdered was clear to me. And I do believe he was standing right there when she was murdered, and may have been actively involved in the murder of Ron Goldman.

I have stated several times since starting this blog that I have faith in our judicial system. That doesn’t mean I always agree with a jury’s verdict, or even think it has much basis in fact, but when a jury returns a verdict, justice has been served. In the case of murdered Caylee Marie Anthony, it was a bitter serving, indeed.

More: http://www.thehinkymeter.com/2011/07/10/going-forward-and-moving-on/
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