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Sniffing the Air - WCI

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Sniffing the Air - WCI Empty Sniffing the Air - WCI

Post by mom_in_il Fri Jul 15, 2011 4:50 am

Friday, July 15, 2011
Sniffing the Air

by Andrea Campbell


Most everyone I talk to is upset or depressed over the Casey Anthony case, which just recently found her not guilty in the death of her child. Since you would have had to been living in a cave not to know about the case, I will assume you are upset as well.

There is a lot to talk about in terms of the forensic evidence, and what for me seems like quite a lot of evidence for a case of this type. But almost all of it seems to be controversial in one way or another. Since I write to you in colloquial terms—as if speaking to a friend—I try not to use terminology that is science jargon, and tend to explain things simply and in a way that anyone can understand.

More: http://womenincrimeink.blogspot.com/2011/07/sniffing-air.html
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