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When Juries Get It Wrong - Fanning

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When Juries Get It Wrong - Fanning Empty When Juries Get It Wrong - Fanning

Post by mom_in_il Tue Jul 19, 2011 4:57 pm

Tuesday, July 19, 2011
When Juries Get It Wrong


I imagine in the current news environment, that headline makes you think of the Casey Anthony trial or maybe O.J. Simpson, Robert Durst or Mary Winkler. That side of the equation makes one think of a perpetrator going free, feeling invincible and ready to victimize again--all because the jury bought into dubious claims of self-defense or false or exaggerated tales of abuse.

For this to happen, someone is usually sacrificed on the public altar to vindicate the perpetrator. For example, take George Anthony. For the rest of his life, some people will believe or suspect him of wrong-doing, Some bells just can't be unrung. It's an ugly, frustrating miscarriage of justice.

More: http://dianefanning.blogspot.com/2011/07/when-juries-get-it-wrong.html
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