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TATYANA LOWERY - 16 yo - Wadesboro NC

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TATYANA LOWERY - 16 yo - Wadesboro NC Empty TATYANA LOWERY - 16 yo - Wadesboro NC

Post by kiwimom Wed Aug 10, 2011 12:53 am

Wadesboro mom searching for missing teen

TATYANA LOWERY - 16 yo - Wadesboro NC Wadesboro_mom_searching_for_missing_teen0_1312548781
Tatyana Lowery, 16, has been missing for a week. She is known to have frequented the Morven and Rockingham areas.

A Wadesboro woman has been living in anguish for the past week, not
knowing where her 16-year-old daughter is, nor whether she’s still
Kelly Watson’s daughter, Tatyana Lowery, went missing from
a foster home in Biscoe last week. Tatyana, or “Ty,” as she’s known to
friends and family, has run away repeatedly over the past few years,
Watson said, which is why she was staying in a foster home at the time
of her disappearance.
Tatyana has been known to go to the Morven or Rockingham areas when she’s run away before, Watson said.
daughter’s mentor in Biscoe filed a missing person’s report but Watson
said she hasn’t heard anything yet from the police department there or
in Anson or Richmond counties.
“I don’t know where she could be
at,” Watson said. “My oldest daughter said she had logged onto Facebook
while she’s been missing but I don’t know how to track her down from
Tatyana is a 16-year-old African-American female, and is
about 5’3” or 5’4” and probably about 160 pounds, her mother says. She
has an earring stud in her nose.
Watson breaks into tears when
speaking about her missing daughter. “If she sees this or hears about
it, I want to tell her to please come home,” she said. “I love her and I
miss her and I just want to make sure she’s OK.”
Biscoe Police
Chief David Maness said that as of Thursday afternoon, his department
had no leads on the case. “All we have is that the lady she was
fostering with said she had run away to Anson or Richmond County in the
past, so we feel pretty sure she may be in either of those locations,”
Chief Maness said.
Watson pleads with anyone who might have
information on Tatyana’s whereabouts to contact their local police
station or the Biscoe Police Department at (910) 428-2978.

Read more: Richmond County Daily Journal - Wadesboro mom searching for missing teen
Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear
Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear

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TATYANA LOWERY - 16 yo - Wadesboro NC Empty Re: TATYANA LOWERY - 16 yo - Wadesboro NC

Post by Watcher_of_all Mon Apr 09, 2012 7:16 pm

Nothing new 4-9-12
Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear
Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear

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