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Is that a massive bruise on little Caylee or just the photo coloring???

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Is that a massive bruise on little Caylee or just the photo coloring??? Empty Is that a massive bruise on little Caylee or just the photo coloring???

Post by loves2shop Tue Oct 21, 2008 7:01 am

On the picture we have on the home site of little Caylee, I couldn't help but noticed the brusing look around and under her left arm, in the pic we have it also looks like their maybe some type of scratch too???

Anybody notice this too, or is just me... If it is bruising that is not a normal place for child to be bruised...
It may just be the coloring on my screen.. Maybe someone here can enlarge that area...thx it's been bothering me...
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Is that a massive bruise on little Caylee or just the photo coloring??? Empty Re: Is that a massive bruise on little Caylee or just the photo coloring???

Post by Chickalope Tue Oct 21, 2008 12:20 pm

I noticed this yesterday and asked the bloggers....It looks like to me it is a bruise.
This makes me sick to think this lil baby must of had more pain and sadness then
I ever thought. Blessings Caylee! ❤
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Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear

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Is that a massive bruise on little Caylee or just the photo coloring??? Empty Re: Is that a massive bruise on little Caylee or just the photo coloring???

Post by loves2shop Tue Oct 21, 2008 5:15 pm


I'm sorry I didn't know this was already asked...
Thanks for letting me know..
Ya it looks like it is a bruise to me as well. poor baby..
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Is that a massive bruise on little Caylee or just the photo coloring??? Empty bruise

Post by gran66762 Tue Dec 09, 2008 8:00 pm

Hello all...I never saw that pic with the bruise...where is it?

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Is that a massive bruise on little Caylee or just the photo coloring??? Empty Re: Is that a massive bruise on little Caylee or just the photo coloring???

Post by loves2shop Thu Dec 11, 2008 1:40 am

gran66762 wrote:Hello all...I never saw that pic with the bruise...where is it?

HI gran66762.. {{{HUGS}}}

It's the picture that is here on the blog site...Scroll up,, the bruising is under her arm area.. : (
poor caylee
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Is that a massive bruise on little Caylee or just the photo coloring??? Empty Re: Is that a massive bruise on little Caylee or just the photo coloring???

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