Judge Perry supports Judge Strickland’s probation orders - andrea
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Judge Perry supports Judge Strickland’s probation orders - andrea
August 12, 2011 · 11:05 am
Judge Perry supports Judge Strickland’s probation orders
Today, as expected, Judge Belvin Perry held up Judge Stan Strickland’s amendment to his original order of probation in the Casey Anthony Check-Fraud case.
It has always been my opinion that Judge Strickland was right to amend the order for probation when it became apparent that his order of probation was not followed.
We are governed by laws and penalties for breaking laws for a specific reason. When a law is broken, as in the Check-Fraud case in which Casey Anthony plead guilty, there are sentencing guidelines that include probation. Judge Strickland specifically ordered probation, and his order from the bench, in open court, was not applied. What is more, the defense team KNEW Judge Strickland’s order of probation was not applied as ordered.
More: http://andreadreamin.com/2011/08/12/judge-perry-supports-judge-stricklands-probation-orders/
Judge Perry supports Judge Strickland’s probation orders
Today, as expected, Judge Belvin Perry held up Judge Stan Strickland’s amendment to his original order of probation in the Casey Anthony Check-Fraud case.
It has always been my opinion that Judge Strickland was right to amend the order for probation when it became apparent that his order of probation was not followed.
We are governed by laws and penalties for breaking laws for a specific reason. When a law is broken, as in the Check-Fraud case in which Casey Anthony plead guilty, there are sentencing guidelines that include probation. Judge Strickland specifically ordered probation, and his order from the bench, in open court, was not applied. What is more, the defense team KNEW Judge Strickland’s order of probation was not applied as ordered.
More: http://andreadreamin.com/2011/08/12/judge-perry-supports-judge-stricklands-probation-orders/
mom_in_il- Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear
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