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Casey Anthony Lawyers to Fight ‘Unappealing’ Probation - Criminal Report Daily

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Post by mom_in_il Wed Aug 17, 2011 11:15 pm

Casey Anthony Lawyers to Fight ‘Unappealing’ Probation
August 15, 2011

[This article is by contributing writer Ivy Bigbee. She is a Washington, D.C.-based writer.]


ORLANDO, Fla. - Casey Anthony evidently finds the terms of her year’s probation — or even its concepts that may thwart her formerly “fluid” addresses and vagabond lifestyle — to be unappealing and reportedly will fight Judge Belvin Perry’s decision to uphold Judge Stan Strickland’s sentence. When Strickland presided over Anthony's 2008 check fraud case, he ordered probation as a keystone of his 2009 adjudication.

Anthony’s intent to fight the Aug. 11 ruling — that yes, the acquitted murder defendant must report to Probation and Parole in Orlando for an intake interview by high noon on Aug. 26 — reportedly was confirmed on Aug. 15 by CNN, the cable news network says, after speaking with lead attorney Jose Baez.

More: http://blogs.discovery.com/criminal_report/2011/08/casey-anthony-lawyers-to-fight-unappealing-probation.html
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