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My Thoughts on Anthony's Dr. Phil Interview - Levi Page

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Post by mom_in_il Wed Sep 14, 2011 2:56 pm

Wednesday, September 14, 2011
My Thoughts on Anthony's Dr. Phil Interview


When I first heard the news that Casey Anthony's parents, George and Cindy Anthony were going to be appearing on Dr. Phil, I was annoyed. I watched Cindy Anthony lie on the stand about Casey's internet searches for chloroform and haven't forgot about how obnoxious she and George had been towards anyone suspicious of their daughter.

I didn't want to hear anything from them... given their history. My opinion of George Anthony softened during the trial, I found some of his testimony very upfront and honest when he was questioned and denied accusations of sex abuse or his involvement in Caylee's death... but deceptive in some aspects, like his affair with Krystal Holloway.

On the contrary my opinion of Cindy didn't improve. I found her to be manipulative and a liar during the trial.

More: http://levipageshow.blogspot.com/
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