Casey Anthony staying out of trouble during probation HAL
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Casey Anthony staying out of trouble during probation HAL
It’s time for another Casey Anthony probation update.
“Casey Anthony is staying out of trouble,” anchor Ybeth Bruzual of Central Florida News 13 said tonight. ”New details from her probation report. According to it, Anthony is still unemployed and not making any money. She also did not use any illegal drugs or drink any alcohol in the past month.”
Anthony is somewhere in Florida, serving a year’s probation for check fraud. She reported to her probation officer Wednesday for the third month.
WKMG-Channel 6 anchor Lauren Rowe highlighted the news that Anthony said she is attending some sort of therapy. Specifics were not revealed because of medical privacy, Rowe added.
“Anthony said she did not earn any money last month, she is still out of work, and the Department of Corrections says she has not violated any terms of her probation,” Rowe said.
Anthony was acquitted in July of murder in the death of her daughter, Caylee.
“Casey Anthony is staying out of trouble,” anchor Ybeth Bruzual of Central Florida News 13 said tonight. ”New details from her probation report. According to it, Anthony is still unemployed and not making any money. She also did not use any illegal drugs or drink any alcohol in the past month.”
Anthony is somewhere in Florida, serving a year’s probation for check fraud. She reported to her probation officer Wednesday for the third month.
WKMG-Channel 6 anchor Lauren Rowe highlighted the news that Anthony said she is attending some sort of therapy. Specifics were not revealed because of medical privacy, Rowe added.
“Anthony said she did not earn any money last month, she is still out of work, and the Department of Corrections says she has not violated any terms of her probation,” Rowe said.
Anthony was acquitted in July of murder in the death of her daughter, Caylee.
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