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Handwriting Expert Weighs In

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Handwriting Expert Weighs In Empty Handwriting Expert Weighs In

Post by Verogal Sun Mar 15, 2009 10:27 pm

Communication analysis is a technique that is used to evaluate the verbal statements of suspects and witnesses for the purpose of identifying sensitive, deceptive or missing information. “

Expert Uses Communication Analysis on Casey Anthony’s Statement

Here, an Expert performs a communication analysis of Casey Anthony’s statement.

In one paragraph, Casey wrote,

“After dropping Caylee off at Zenaida’s apartment, I proceeded to head to my place of employment, Universal Studios Orlando. I have worked at Universal studios for over 4 years, since June of 2004. I left work around 5pm, and went back to the apartment to pick-up my daughter.”

There are a number of few red flags in this single paragraph:

  • 1. “After dropping Caylee off at Zenaida’s apartment” — Using the words “after” or “afterwards” instead of a specific time indicates that the writer is being evasive.

  • 2. “I proceeded to head to my place of employment” — Why not just say “I went to work.” The words “proceeded” and “headed” may indicate that this action was never completed.

  • 3. “since June of 2004″ — Words like “since” and “because” answer an unasked question. Unnecessary explanations often follow or precede a lie. Casey never worked at Universal Studios.

  • 4. “I left work around 5pm.” — Qualifying “5pm” with the word “Around,” again, indicates that the writer is evasive about time.

  • 5. “my daughter” — Casey has changed from using the name “Caylee” to the words “my daughter.” Using language that distanced herself from Caylee is an indication that at the time of this statement, Caylee was already dead.

I expect that prosecutors will use quite a bit of communication analysis to pick apart Casey Anthony’s many – and seemingly contradictory – statements as they prepare for her upcoming trial

Expert Analyzes Casey’s Handwriting

Handwriting Expert Weighs In Casey_anthony

Observe that Casey’s letters are almost uniformly the same height. The middle zone (the lower case letters a, c, e, i, m, n, o, r, s, u, v, w, x and the part of the other letters between the upper loops and the lower loops) of her writing is exaggerated. When the middle zone is overly large, like Casey’s, the writer has a tendency to be childlike and self-centered. These writers like to be the center of attention. It is difficult for them to delay gratification. What they see is what they want…today…this minute…right now!

Now, look at the word “Monday”. Do you see how Casey combined the letter “o” and the letter “n”? Is that really an “o” or is it an “a” or maybe it’s just part of the “n”? Ambiguous letters are a sign that the writer is disguising the truth. Con artists and grifters, who leave the interpretation of events unclear so that they always have an out when they need it, are often experts at “tricky” writing.

There is something else that occurs in many of Casey’s “o’s” and “a”s. Do you see how she wrote the “o” in “on” with a slash through it? Slashes through a’s and o’s, known as “forked tongue strokes,” are signs of a liar

Handwriting Expert Weighs In Casey_anthony_2a-300x258

For example, can you read the word labeled “Exhibit A”? In context, I’m sure you could easily make it out. But, out of context, what is it? People who are expert at tricky writing are like magicians. They make you see what they want you to see. They leave the interpretation of events vague and unclear, so that they have an out when they need it.

Casey Anthony also uses ambiguous letters in her signature (“Exhibit B”). Her first name is spelled “CASEY.” So, given the fact that Casey knows how to spell her own name, why does it look like “CAESY”? That, my friends, is ambiguous or “tricky” writing.

Look closer at the signature and you will notice that the “a” in Casey’s first name is blown out of proportion. When a lowercase “a” is extra large it indicates that the writer is very concerned about his or her physical appearance. And, if you look carefully, you will see that there is a sharp point inside of Casey’s “a.” That point is called a “stinger.” Writers with stingers tend to be extreme in their sexual lifestyles – they either abstain from sex entirely, or they become sexaholics.

Also, do you see that Casey made her last name into a great big “X”? When a writer’s signature or personal pronoun “I” turns into an “X,” it shows that the writer feels as if his or her life has been ruined. These sad “x’ed-out” people worry and fantasize about death. Sometimes these gloomy thoughts are about other people’s deaths and sometimes these morbid feelings about the writer’s own demise.

P.S.: The word in Exhibit A is “could.”
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