Depositions In Casey Anthony Case Delayed
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Depositions In Casey Anthony Case Delayed
Depositions In Casey Anthony Case Delayed
Posted: 10:27 am EDT March 31, 2009
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Casey Anthony's defense team will have to wait two more days to interrogate several key players in the murder case.
Jose Baez was going to depose former Anthony family private investigator Jim Hoover and several Orange County Sheriff's Office investigators Tuesday, but those depositions have been delayed until Thursday.
Four jail officers will also be questioned. Two of those jailers witnessed Casey's reaction when she was told about the discovery of Caylee's remains.
Posted: 10:27 am EDT March 31, 2009
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Casey Anthony's defense team will have to wait two more days to interrogate several key players in the murder case.
Jose Baez was going to depose former Anthony family private investigator Jim Hoover and several Orange County Sheriff's Office investigators Tuesday, but those depositions have been delayed until Thursday.
Four jail officers will also be questioned. Two of those jailers witnessed Casey's reaction when she was told about the discovery of Caylee's remains.
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