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ANSLEY WATTS- yo-Bainbridge GA

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ANSLEY WATTS-  yo-Bainbridge GA Empty ANSLEY WATTS- yo-Bainbridge GA

Post by angelm07 Sun Aug 26, 2012 1:05 pm

Ansley Watts vanished sometime between 2 and 4 p.m., Friday August 24th, 2012. Her family
claims that she was supposed to be packing for a weekend beach trip,
but her mother says that she disappeared instead. There is a tragic
feeling to this case due to the way in which her mother found out she
was missing. The evidence doesn't look positive, but hopefully something
good happens in the search for this missing young woman.
ANSLEY WATTS-  yo-Bainbridge GA WTusM
There aren't many details yet in this developing story,
but the ones that are available leave a disturbing element in this
young woman's disappearance. Her mother says that when she returned to
pick the woman up for their trip, her packed suitcase was by the door
and her car
was parked outside. She was nowhere in sight. This leaves the
disappearance open to several lines of speculation, but without any more
details the attempts would prove moot.
Ansley Watts could be anywhere, and with it now being the 26th the
urgency in finding her is even stronger than before. There have been no
reports of any evidence found in her case, nor are there reports of
police really knuckling down to find her. It seems as though she
vanished while in mid planning of her trip. Did she have any boyfriends
or rivals of any sort? Were there any shady characters around her home
in times leading up to this strange disappearance?
Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear
Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear

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ANSLEY WATTS-  yo-Bainbridge GA Empty Re: ANSLEY WATTS- yo-Bainbridge GA

Post by angelm07 Fri Nov 09, 2012 4:43 pm


ANSLEY WATTS-  yo-Bainbridge GA 558861_423227134380468_1893401020_n‎8/26/2012:
Ansley Watts missing from Bainbridge, Georgia since 8/24/2012 has been
▬►LOCATED SAFE according to the Bainbridge Police Department.
Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear
Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear

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