Casey Anthony Movie: Actress Playing ‘Tot Mom’ Reveals Internet Backlash
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Casey Anthony Movie: Actress Playing ‘Tot Mom’ Reveals Internet Backlash
Casey Anthony Movie: Actress Playing ‘Tot Mom’ Reveals Internet Backlash
21 hours ago
Inside Hollywood
Despite the controversy surrounding Casey Anthony and her much-debated trial, actress Virginia Welch tells Celebuzz she couldn’t resist playing the hot-button figure, who was acquitted of killing her two-year-old daughter in July 2011.
“It was the opportunity of a lifetime to work with such talented actors — Rob Lowe, Elizabeth Mitchell Oscar Nunez,” she revealed in an exclusive video interview.
“And then I guess just the challenge of it. You have to sort of honor the person by portraying them accurately, but still bring a little bit of yourself into it,” she continued.
Welch joined the Lifetime TV project in June, after Canadian actress Holly Deveaux dropped out and admits she received “a little bit” of a backlash once the news hit the Internet.
“When it first came out that I was cast, I had some very encouraging remarks and then people who were not so pleased with it,” she said. “But it’s a role. You just take on a character.”
Welch went on to say that the role required “so much research,” mostly because she didn’t actually follow the trial as it happened.
“I don’t watch lot of news,” she said. “I really didn’t know much about the trial prior to filming. Once I was cast, that was when it was, like, in the cave.”
For more on Celebuzz’s interview with Virginia Welch, watch the video, above. (Video at link)
21 hours ago
Inside Hollywood
Despite the controversy surrounding Casey Anthony and her much-debated trial, actress Virginia Welch tells Celebuzz she couldn’t resist playing the hot-button figure, who was acquitted of killing her two-year-old daughter in July 2011.
“It was the opportunity of a lifetime to work with such talented actors — Rob Lowe, Elizabeth Mitchell Oscar Nunez,” she revealed in an exclusive video interview.
“And then I guess just the challenge of it. You have to sort of honor the person by portraying them accurately, but still bring a little bit of yourself into it,” she continued.
Welch joined the Lifetime TV project in June, after Canadian actress Holly Deveaux dropped out and admits she received “a little bit” of a backlash once the news hit the Internet.
“When it first came out that I was cast, I had some very encouraging remarks and then people who were not so pleased with it,” she said. “But it’s a role. You just take on a character.”
Welch went on to say that the role required “so much research,” mostly because she didn’t actually follow the trial as it happened.
“I don’t watch lot of news,” she said. “I really didn’t know much about the trial prior to filming. Once I was cast, that was when it was, like, in the cave.”
For more on Celebuzz’s interview with Virginia Welch, watch the video, above. (Video at link)
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