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Lawyer: Casey Anthony 'living on kindness of friends' - WESH

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Lawyer: Casey Anthony 'living on kindness of friends' - WESH Empty Lawyer: Casey Anthony 'living on kindness of friends' - WESH

Post by mom_in_il Mon Jan 28, 2013 10:15 pm

Lawyer: Casey Anthony 'living on kindness of friends'
Anthony living somewhere in Middle District of Florida

"It's not just financial, it's emotional," Greene said.

Greene said he weekly receives claims from people hoping to get money out of Anthony.

Anthony filed bankruptcy in the Middle District of Florida, because that's where she has been living. Greene would not say exactly where Anthony is living in that district, which stretches from Jacksonville to Fort Myers.

"Her home is Florida. She knows nowhere else. That doesn't mean she doesn't travel to other places or have to move to other places or that she stays in one location because of safety and security concerns that we continue to have," said Greene.

Anthony claimed $800,000 in debt and only $1,000 in assets. Greene believes the bankruptcy will bring the civil lawsuits to an end.

Greene said Anthony is not working and has no income, and she is not going to school.

"She is living on the kindness of friends for the most part," Greene said. "These are people that believe in her and will see her through this ordeal until the end.

The attorney for Zenaida Gonzalez, who is suing Anthony, said he doesn't believe the bankruptcy will stop Gonzalez's lawsuit.

"We're confident that the bankruptcy judge is not going to disregard our claim," said Matt Morgan.

According to Greene, she did not watch the Lifetime movie about her case, "Prosecuting Casey Anthony."

What was she doing the night the movie aired? Watch WESH 2 News at 5 for Amanda Ober's full report

Read more: http://www.wesh.com/news/casey-anthony-extended-coverage/Lawyer-Casey-Anthony-living-on-kindness-of-friends/-/13479888/18309212/-/11haufuz/-/index.html#ixzz2JJLNp4KY
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