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GRACELYNN BAKER - 11 weeks - / Convicted: Jeffery Alan Baker - Boise, ID

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 GRACELYNN BAKER - 11 weeks -  / Convicted: Jeffery Alan Baker - Boise, ID Empty GRACELYNN BAKER - 11 weeks - / Convicted: Jeffery Alan Baker - Boise, ID

Post by willcarney Wed Apr 24, 2013 5:36 pm

Boise dad found guilty of baby girl's murder

by KTVB.COM Posted on April 23, 2013 at 12:27 PM

 GRACELYNN BAKER - 11 weeks -  / Convicted: Jeffery Alan Baker - Boise, ID 4.23.15-baker2

Credit: Ada County Sheriff's Office Jeffery Alan Baker

BOISE -- A 53-year-old Boise man faces life in prison for the shaking death of his 11-week-old daughter back in 2010.

An Ada County jury found Jeffery Alan Baker guilty of first-degree murder on Monday.

Jurors deliberated for six hours before reaching their decision shortly after 8 p.m.

Prosecuting attorney Shelley Akamatsu said 11-week-old Gracelynn Baker died as a result of abusive head trauma inflicted by her father.

"She was violently shaken back and forth, and her head was impacted into a hard surface," Akamatsu told KTVB. "... It caused bleeding within her brain and into her eyes. It caused her to stop breathing and in about five minutes she died."

Prosecutors say Baker told police his daughter died after choking on baby formula while he was feeding her.

"You can't get those kind of injuries in your eyes and brain by choking on formula," Akamatsu said.

Baker's two-week trial involved technical medical evidence from neuropathologists, neuroradiologists, and an eye pathologist, among other expert witnesses.

Akamatsu said a key part of the state's case against the 53-year-old was testimony from an Idaho Correction Center inmate who said Baker confessed to the killing while in prison for violating his terms of parole.

That's because Baker was on parole for forgery when he violently shook and killed his daughter.

Akamatsu said the guilty verdict represents almost three years of dealing with Baker's case in the district court system. Those legal wranglings include a mistrial, the death of Baker's defense attorney, and delays after Baker wasn't satisfied with the attorney appointed to represent him afterward.

A call placed to Baker's current attorney asking for commentary went unreturned

Baker did not testify during his trial.

The 53-year-old will be sentenced on July 12 at 9 a.m. by the Honorable Patrick Owen. He faces up to life in prison, with a 10-year minimum sentence.


I came across this reading about other local stories. I did not see any mention in previous posts. At least some justice is done. William

Last edited by twinkletoes on Wed Apr 24, 2013 10:57 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Change name to caps)
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