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MADISON and MCKALA PETERS - 11 and 6 yo - / Suspect: Edward Peters, father - Inverness, FL

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MADISON and MCKALA PETERS - 11 and 6 yo - / Suspect: Edward Peters, father - Inverness, FL Empty MADISON and MCKALA PETERS - 11 and 6 yo - / Suspect: Edward Peters, father - Inverness, FL

Post by willcarney Wed Sep 11, 2013 6:28 pm

MADISON and MCKALA PETERS - 11 and 6 yo - / Suspect: Edward Peters, father - Inverness, FL 23384175_BG1MADISON and MCKALA PETERS - 11 and 6 yo - / Suspect: Edward Peters, father - Inverness, FL 23384175_BG2

Citrus deputies search for father who fled with children
Posted: Sep 09, 2013 5:51 PM CDT Updated: Sep 09, 2013 5:57 PM CDT  

By Press Release
The Citrus County Sheriff's Office is asking for the public's help in locating Edward Peters and his two young daughters, McKala and Madison Peters. The girls were last seen on Sunday, September 8, at a home on Aloha St. in Inverness when Mr. Peters took custody of them against the wishes of their court ordered guardian. He then fled with the children in an unknown direction.

Mr. Peters has a warrant issued for his arrest and has violated several court orders. Mr. Peters was on pre-trial release and also removed his GPS ankle monitor issued to him in August. The monitor was found off the NB lanes of I-75 in Hernando County. Authorities are concerned for the safety and wellbeing of the two children.

Madison Peters, W/F, 11 years old, was last seen wearing jean capris with a pink t-shirt with "Minnesota" on it and black flip flops. She has eczema on both forearms. McKala Peters W/F, six years old, was last seen wearing white shorts with a blue t-shirt with pink graphics on it and black flip flops. Edward Peters, W/M, 45 years old, 5'9'' with medium build and light brown short hair.

Detectives say Peters may have traveled to the Orlando area. Peters is driving a 2003 Silver Jeep Liberty with FL Tag # 366LEJ. If you have any information as to the whereabouts of Edward Peters, or see this vehicle, please call 9-1-1.

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I hope I'm wrong but I seen too many of these "if I can't have them, you can't" and the kids end up dead.  I pray I'm wrong.  William
Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear
Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear

Job/hobbies : NEVER assume your child is safe, KNOW.

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MADISON and MCKALA PETERS - 11 and 6 yo - / Suspect: Edward Peters, father - Inverness, FL Empty Re: MADISON and MCKALA PETERS - 11 and 6 yo - / Suspect: Edward Peters, father - Inverness, FL

Post by willcarney Tue Nov 05, 2013 9:48 pm

Citrus dad, daughters found in Montana, dad in custody
Posted: Sep 19, 2013 10:14 AM CDT Updated: Oct 17, 2013 10:14 AM CDT  

By WFLA.com web staff
Citrus County man who fled with two of his daughters from their home in Inverness was found and taken into custody in Montana.

Edward Peters disappeared with McKala and Madison on Sep. 8. He took the girls from the court-appointed guardian and fled the area, according to Citrus County deputies.

Related story: 09/09/2013 Citrus deputies search for father who fled with children

Officials found Peters' GPS ankle monitor near northbound lane of Interstate 75 in Florida. Days later, they discovered Peters' Jeep Liberty in Michigan. The car was empty.

Deputies said they caught up with Peters Thursday near Graycliff, Mon. Officials found him and the girls sleeping in a car reported stolen in Michigan. The car was parked at a remote camping site at Prairie Dog State Park.

They said McKala, 6, and Madison, 11, are doing well. Peters was taken into custody and is at a detention facility in Montana. CCSO deputies are working with the State Attorney's Office on the extradition process.

The Department of Children and Families and FBI's victim advocate program officials work together to make arrangements for the girls to come back to Florida. They haven't determined yet who will take custody of the girls.

Citrus County deputies continue to gather information on this case.


At least they were found alive.  William
Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear
Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear

Job/hobbies : NEVER assume your child is safe, KNOW.

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MADISON and MCKALA PETERS - 11 and 6 yo - / Suspect: Edward Peters, father - Inverness, FL Empty Re: MADISON and MCKALA PETERS - 11 and 6 yo - / Suspect: Edward Peters, father - Inverness, FL

Post by twinkletoes Tue Nov 05, 2013 11:36 pm

Yes Will, far too often they are found murdered.
Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear
Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear

Job/hobbies : Trying to keep my sanity. Trying to accept that which I cannot change. It's hard.

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MADISON and MCKALA PETERS - 11 and 6 yo - / Suspect: Edward Peters, father - Inverness, FL Empty Re: MADISON and MCKALA PETERS - 11 and 6 yo - / Suspect: Edward Peters, father - Inverness, FL

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